


And for this loverly day of days, I would like to point your pokey attentions away from my vitals and towards a wondrous, magical, WUNDRMAJIX!

Oh yeah, I’m talking about the Shuffle setting on your music player of choice (depicted here as a happy little iTunes dude, because that is MY choice). If ever there was magic in the universe, it’s here.

It KNOWS what songs I wanted to listen to. BEFORE I know.

It KNOWS exactly when I forget I had a song. Then REVEALS it to me again.

It KNOWS when I’m in an off mood. AND which songs will fix it.

Well, that’s how the magic works most of the time, anyway. Other times it seems like there is an ADHD child controlling the playlist and nothing makes sense.

But even then it’s good for a MAJIKAL laugh. Shuffling music is most definitely frolicsome.



On Facebook (I'm addicted), I had an exchange between a friend and I that made me wonder.

Me: my...happy face balloon deflated. SYMBOLISM. :O
Friend: you know what would be even more symbolic? If it never deflated, OR if it exploded from you trying to re-inflate it... HAPPYGASM POW!!!!!!!!!!
Stay off drugs kids.

And that made me wonder...what would a HAPPYGASM POW look like?

Yeah...that's pretty close.


Fork A Pie

My friend has introduced me to a wondrous concept recently. She calls it “forking a pie”. And it’s exactly what it sounds like, in the clean sense:

I have recently discovered that it is a bad idea to study anywhere near a fork and a pie. Yup, that’s right. This genius idea is not ALWAYS a genius idea. For two reasons!

1. Chocolate stains on your notebook

2.  Over pie consumption. Because it is SO much more instantly gratifying than studying




So the other day I was at work...and there was nothing to do.
Naturally I started talking to my Co-worker about...well...everything.
That's when I saw it.

Apparently my manager-type-dude noticed I played with the magnets a lot and put them into happy faces. Another co-worker liked putting them back in order, just so I could play with them in a different way.

So natuarlly they did this to me.

I feel the love.


Hate Spiral

I hate doing the dishes. Like, haaaaaate. I’ll do them, because they have to be done (and honestly dirty dishes are nasty buggers)

I’ve always known that I hate doing the dishes. What I DIDN’T know was I go into Hate Spiral mode when I’m doing them.

These self-perpetuating hate-thoughts start with the hate of doing the dishes. It can be a little hate if I’m in a good mood, but it all starts there regardless.

And these hate-thoughts lead to other hate-thoughts lead to larger hate-thoughts lead to me hate-talking to myself (which I try to keep to a minimum cuz I have roommates…)

The odd thing is, these hate-thoughts, no matter how scary and large and… hateful… ALWAYS go away after I’m done with the dishes.

And life returns to its normal, frolicsome state. Though I may have come up with... "interesting" new methods of torture during my spiraling...



WTF Friday!

So last Sunday I went to the zoo with Roommate and Boyfriend. It was raining and horrid weather, but we owned the elements and went anyway.

The results:

We regret nothing.

Moral: if you really want something - go for it. Maybe you'll get to see a grizzly bear diarrhea like we did.



So I woke up today and hated everything because I was so tired I felt like I was going to vomit.

I then went to my CPR/First Aid class and did terrible things to dummies...er...I mean "mannequins".

I then got back and stared at my desk. My stereo's AUX out cable doesn't reach to my bed. This means I can't lay on my bed and use my stereo's speakers. So I decided to flip the entire contents of my desk.

...that set it off...


I then vacuumed the floor, washed (yes WASHED) my desk, threw things away, took out trash, did my laundry, rearranged everything under my bed, reorganized drawers, created a chilling area under my bed, went through things, and attacked everything.

I don't understand either.

Call Me

More professor quotes!



I keep getting random free cookies in my room.
First it was an unexpected care package from home.
I like to stay in shape...but seriously.

It's hard to ignore them.

Unexpected free time during a perfectly planned but busy day.

I am a huge fan of lists, thanks to the fact that I am an extremly busy person. I tend to plan my days perfectly, so I don't forget something or cause something to explode.

I have work from 9:00am-1pm, then I go chill in the library until 1:40. At that time I go to my Environmental Science class from 2:00pm-3:50pm, and have my radio show from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.


So my science class broke the space-time continuum and went painfully slow. Then suddenly the professor was like AND WE'RE DONE. I always keep track of time - causing me to go "wha?"

It was 3:30.

What the hell was I supposed to do from 3:30-3:50? It's not enough time to do anything I needed. It's not enough time to do anything I really don't need to do but want to.

So I started falling into a void of my own possibilities.

It was terrifying. I was legitimately confused and unsure of where to go. I think I was scaring people.

Now that I am in the safe-zone of being busy - I feel safe, secure, and relaxed.

I knew this was an insanely busy semester for me...but apparently I've broken myself on the concept of 'free time'.

I find this disturbing.


Boring Professors

Are we there yet?? Ooooh no. Not even close. It’s only ten minute into the class, EVEN THOUGH it feels like three days have gone by.

I swear, the worst part is the excitement I feel RIGHT BEFORE I find out my new professor enjoys watching paint dry.

So if you have an entertaining teacher, or heck, even one that knows how to change the pitch of their voice, frolic for me, please!! I’ll be with you in spirit


Why I'm Bad At Essays

I have a problem... *stares at Word document* WHY AREN'T YOU DONE YET!?



Look what I found in the margin of my chemistry notebook!


Ice Cream Is The Road To Awe...


“Instead of an image of death..."

"... we have a guy with an ice cream cone.”


Blast From The Past

Methinks students are always a-lookin’ for ways to spice up class.

That’s why I’ve got my doodles buddies!! There are quite a few, but two in particular frequent my dreary pages more often than others. You may recognize them…

There’s Ghost, the curious troublemaker.

And of course, Pac Man

Those two alone get into plenty of interesting spats!

Believe me, there will be more of them in the future!!